I was out cycling yesterday! It was a beautiful day, so I had decided to chant some rounds at Wanstead Park and have some fresh air at the same time.I came across a map and, curiously enough, there was a place inside the park called "The Temple"! I was quite surprised because only Hindu Temples or any of its branch religions are designated as a Temple and there was one right in the middle of Wanstead Park! Bliemy!! I was thinking maybe it was some lost Vishnu Temple or something crazy like that. Already feeling like I was on some transcendental adventure, I cycled right there. Here are the pictures, just click on any of them in this post to expand:
Well, as it turned out, after some research, the so-called Temple was a 19th century building for entertainment purposes. What remains now is just some ruins. Nevermind, maybe next time!
One thing did strike me, however. Its the Power of Time which slowly destroys everything. Lord Krishna says in the Bhagavad Gita Verse 11.32:
Time I am, the Great Destroyer of the Worlds. And I have come here to Destroy all people. [...]
We can clearly see how the past is in ruins, and that history is all about dead people. But people in this day and age don't see that they are soon going to also be destroyed also by Time in the form of death and diseases. For them, life just continues on its blind course to destruction, not knowing the actual meaning of life itself or its ultimate goals. This is very unfortunate because you cannot guarantee that you will get a Human form of life in the next life. The next life could be a very hellish condition for the soul...
Labels: adventures, photos