Yesterday (Wednesday), I went on Food For Life (as I do every week), and just when we came back from our Food Distribution, two curious young people (with a pint in their hands) begin to ask Asish Soni Perfect Questions, which in reply they certainly did get Perfect Answers! Asish is an amazing Devotee, but you have to be with him to realize his Depth of Devotion. Watch this amazing video clip below of this amazing Preaching:

I was in the Soho Street Temple the other day, and I came across these amazing facts:

Books Distributed Globally So Far
427,526 in April, 2007 alone
1,044,779 so far in 2007
450,000,000 since ISKCON was founded

Jaya Srila Prabhupada!

I was at Soho Street Temple today and His Holiness Devamrita Swami gave a really nice Bhagavad Gita Class. Unfortunately, I didnt bring my camera and my tripod, so i recorded the class on my Sony-Ericsson Phone, but you can hear the whole class clearly. See it below, it is about an hour long:

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