The knot of the heart shall be cut apart,
all doubts shall be torn away,
and even his Karma, his deeds,
and the inevitable consequences of his deeds,
shall disappear when he has beheld his Atman and God
Source: Journey to Unknown India (quoted from the Bhagavata), Walter Eidlitz, Page 118
Labels: reflective quotes
Once upon a time Narada visited Krishna. The latter stood outside His palace and invited his guest to dine with him, whereupon Narada thanked him and went to bathe in a nearby river, telling Krishna he would be back in 5 minutes.
The rishi dived into the river, but to his surprise he was immediately changed into a woman. Amazed, he touched his long hair, his breasts and his body. He still remembered that he was Narada, the great wise man, but the longer he remained in the water, the fainter this memory grew. He became Naradi, the young woman. When a young man walked along the bank of the river, she took his hand and he led her to his home, where she bore him innumerable children. Gradually, her beauty vanished. The children cried and clamored. All the troubles of life enveloped her. She became ill and old, and in this condition she cried to God. At that moment she became Narada again, and the Lord stood at the entrance of his palace. "Narada, the 5 minutes have passed. Our meal is ready!"
Narada had dived into the waters of Maya, of which Krishna is master.
Source: Journey to Unknown India, Walther Eidlitz, Page 58
According to the author, this tale is very popular in India, and a moving picture has even been made of the story, and it has run a long time at a great many cinemas throughout the country. In any case, it adequately displays the Power of Maya.
Labels: stories
I am currently reading an amazing true account of a Spiritual Journey to India of a man known as Walther Eidlitz, Austrian-born, who abandons his wife and kids in search for the Absolute Truth. He meets a few gurus along his journey, but when World War 2 breaks out, because he is Austrian born, he becomes imprisoned in a British "alien enemies" camp. While there, he meets a disiple of His Divine Grace Bhaktisiddhanta Saraswati Thakura, named Sadananda.....
Labels: books
HH Kadamba Kanana Swami's Melbourne Kirtan 1
1 comments Posted by Aashish Sharma at 4/26/2007 10:04:00 amThis is one of the most sweetest and mellow kirtans that I have heard! And I know a lot of other people that think so too. I uploaded this tune a while back on PStimulate but if you haven't heard it, then "Half your life is wasted"!!! Hear it below:
While Surfing the net, I stumbled on these amazing videos of Boy George singing the Mahamantra! I just have to share it, the first video (thats My Sweet Lord) is my fav! Wait till I find the full mp3 recording, I'll post it. The second video is also nice.
See below (you may have to increase the volume to hear it as it is a bit quiet):
My Sweet Lord
Hare Krishna
I was at Bhaktivedanta Manor today! Haven't been in what seems like ages. Ravi is very nice to take me! To make it even more nicer, it was a beautiful day today, and so I spent most of the day just chanting away and chilling out. I took a small video of His Grace Gauri Prabhu singing Jaya Radha Madhava and a few pictures of the Manor. They have now installed this new Buddha water fountain outside, looks nice. Below is the video and below that are some pictures:
Labels: bhaktivedanta manor (uk), music, photos, videos
I was out cycling yesterday! It was a beautiful day, so I had decided to chant some rounds at Wanstead Park and have some fresh air at the same time.I came across a map and, curiously enough, there was a place inside the park called "The Temple"! I was quite surprised because only Hindu Temples or any of its branch religions are designated as a Temple and there was one right in the middle of Wanstead Park! Bliemy!! I was thinking maybe it was some lost Vishnu Temple or something crazy like that. Already feeling like I was on some transcendental adventure, I cycled right there. Here are the pictures, just click on any of them in this post to expand:
Well, as it turned out, after some research, the so-called Temple was a 19th century building for entertainment purposes. What remains now is just some ruins. Nevermind, maybe next time!
One thing did strike me, however. Its the Power of Time which slowly destroys everything. Lord Krishna says in the Bhagavad Gita Verse 11.32:
Time I am, the Great Destroyer of the Worlds. And I have come here to Destroy all people. [...]
We can clearly see how the past is in ruins, and that history is all about dead people. But people in this day and age don't see that they are soon going to also be destroyed also by Time in the form of death and diseases. For them, life just continues on its blind course to destruction, not knowing the actual meaning of life itself or its ultimate goals. This is very unfortunate because you cannot guarantee that you will get a Human form of life in the next life. The next life could be a very hellish condition for the soul...
Labels: adventures, photos
The problem was that the MP3s on this Blog always were being cut short towards the ending, thats sorted out now. It seems there is no such thing as Free Hosting for your MP3 files! Tch.
Labels: news
I want to share with you another favourite kirtan of mine, which I used to hear all the time when I started in Krishna Consciousness. There is just something about this Kirtan that I like so much! Hear it below:
Prabhupada would sometimes say "Good morning". We always say Hare Krsna, and we should say Hare Krsna, but Prabhupada would sometimes say "Good morning". And that would induce them to say "Good morning" back, and in that way they were offering a benediction to a Vaisnava. It's actually "May you have a good morning," So Prabhupada said "You know what this 'Good morning' means in the material world? It means nothing horrible has happened yet." (laughter) That's their happiness, "Good morning".
Labels: srila prabhupada says
Jaya Radha Jaya Krishna - HH Shivarama Swami
0 comments Posted by Aashish Sharma at 4/15/2007 04:23:00 pmJaya Radha Jaya Krishna
Sri Vraja-dhama-mahimamrta
The Nectarean Glories of Vraja-dhama
Text One
jaya radha, jaya krishna, jaya Vrindavana
Sri govinda, gopinatha, madana-mohan
All glories to radha and krishna and the divine forest of Vrindavana. All glories to the three presiding Deities of Vrindavana-Sri Govinda, gopinatha, and Madana-mohana.
Text Two
syama-kunda, radha-kunda, giri-govardhan
kalindi jamuna jaya, jaya mahavan
All glories to syama-kunda, radha-kunda, Govardhana Hill, and the Yamuna River (Kalindi). All glories to the great forest known as mahavana, where krishna and Balarama displayed all of Their childhood pastimes.
Text Three
kesi-ghata, bamsi-bata, dwadasa-kanan
jaha saba lila koilo Sri-nanda-nandan
All glories to kesi-ghata, where krishna killed the kesi demon. All glories to the Vamsi-vata tree, where krishna attracted all the gopis to come by playing His flute. Glories to all of the twelve forests of Vraja. At these places the son of Nanda, Sri krishna, performed all of His pastimes.
Text Four
Sri-nanda-jasoda jaya, jaya gopa-gan
Sridamadi jaya, jaya dhenu-vatsa-gan
All glories to krishna's divine father and mother, Nanda and Yasoda. All glories to the cowherd boys, headed by Sridhama, the older brother of Srimati radharani and Ananga Manjari. All glories to the cows and calves of Vraja.
Text Five
jaya vrsabhanu, jaya kirtida sundari
jaya paurnamasi, jaya abhira-nagari
All glories to radha's divine father and mother, Vrsabhanu and the beautiful kirtida. All glories to paurnamasi, the mother of Sandipani Muni, grandmother of Madhumangala and Nandimukhi, and beloved disciple of Devarsi Narada. All glories to the young cowherd maidens of Vraja.
Text Six
jaya jaya gopiswara Vrindavana-majh
jaya jaya krishna-sakha batu dwija-raj
All glories, all glories to Gopisvara Siva, who resides in Vrindavana in order to protect the holy dhama. All glories, all glories to krishna's funny brahmana friend, Madhumangala.
Text Seven
jaya rama-ghata, jaya rohini-nandan
jaya jaya Vrindavana-basi jata jan
All glories to rama-ghata, where Lord Balarama performed His rasa dance. All glories to Lord Balarama, the son of rohini. All glories, all glories to all of the residents of Vrindavana.
Text Eight
jaya dwija-patni, jaya naga-kanya-gan
bhaktite jahara pailo govinda-caran
All glories to the wives of the proud Vedic brahmanas. All glories to the wives of the Käliya serpent. Through pure devotion they all obtained the lotus feet of Lord Govinda.
Text Nine
Sri-rasa-mandala jaya, jaya radha-syama
jaya jaya rasa-lila sarva-manoram
All glories to the place where the rasa dance of Sri krishna was performed. All glories to radha and syama. All glories, all glories to the divine rasa dance, which is the most beautiful of all Lord krishna's pastimes.
Text Ten
jaya jayojjwala-rasa sarva-rasa-sar
parakiya-bhave jaha brajete pracar
All glories, all glories to the mellow of conjugal love, which is the most excellent of all rasas and is propagated in Vraja by Sri krishna in the form of the divine parakiya-bhava [paramour love].
Text Eleven
Sri-jahnava-pada-padma koriya smaran
dina krishna-dasakohe nama-sankirtan
Remembering the lotus feet of Lord Nityananda's consort, Sri jahnava Devi, this very fallen and lowly servant of krishna sings the sankirtan of the holy name.
I heard this podcast from HH Shivarama Swami a few days ago. It was taken on 21st September 2006 (yes, I am 7 Months behind!!!) and basically Maharaja is singing with the Piano! Sounds sweet... Hear it below, just press Play:
As dalliance with the body in luxury increases, so wanes the spirit of service of the Lord.
- Srila Bhaktisiddhanta Sarasvati Thakura
Labels: reflective quotes
Today, I was going through my videos when I stumbled upon these two small Kirtan videos of His Holiness Shivarama Swami singing ecstatically. It was some time ago that I shot these clips, I didn't share it cos I thought they were bad quality. They are a bit better then the Mobile clips I have posted, so please check them out below!
The first clip is a nice mellow tune and the second clip is very ecstatic.
Labels: bhaktivedanta manor (uk), music, videos
I was at Govinda's today, having a late lunch :-)
Since it was tuesday, His Grace Jayadeva Prabhu was there doing, as usual, an ecstatic bhajan. Got a little video clip of it below from my mobile, so do check it out below:
Labels: music, soho st. temple (london), videos
Photos from HH Kadamba Kanana Swami's Harinama from 31st March 2007
0 comments Posted by Aashish Sharma at 4/07/2007 12:09:00 pmCheck out some of the photos from the Harinama which I have been going on about! Click on the photo below to access the Album:
2007.03.31 |
Labels: harinama, photos, soho st. temple (london)
His Holiness Kadamba Kanana Swami's London Harinama on 31st March 2007
0 comments Posted by Aashish Sharma at 4/06/2007 08:47:00 amMaharaja leads an ecstatic harinama through the streets of London! I'm telling you, I saw so many people other than devotees dancing also! Check out the video below:
Labels: harinama, music, soho st. temple (london), videos
His Holiness Kadamba Kanana Swami Bhagavad Gita Class @ Soho Street on 31st March 2007
0 comments Posted by Aashish Sharma at 4/04/2007 04:50:00 pmWell? Where were you guys when Maharaja gave this class!!? It was so nice to be seeing Maharaja again ever since I saw him when I went to the Pandava Sena France Trip. The lectures I heard from Maharaja while I was in France were stunning, and this is no less! Maharaja talks about the nature of God and some pastimes of Krishna. Check out the video below:
Labels: classes, soho st. temple (london), videos