I am watching Memories of Srila Prabhupada DVD Part 18, and there His Grace Pushkar Prabhu says that in one morning walk, sometimes Prabhupada would throw out a challenge out or his disciples would throw a challenge to Prabhupada and thus a debate would ensue. Srila Prabhupada was a Master of Parry, a master of the quick repost. So, in one morning walk, sometimes Prabhupadas would throw out a challenge out or his disciples would throw a challenge to Prabhupada and thus a debate would ensue.
One Devotee Says to Prabhupada, "Well, I think sex is spiritual, what do you say to that?"
Prabhupada quickly replied, "Ohhh, thats a Dogs philosophy. Are you a dog?"
Another Devotee would say, "I understand you are Alan Ginsburgs Guru?".
Prabhupada would then quickly reply, "I am nobodys guru, I am everyones servant".
So, Srila Prabhupada would be able to come very quickly like that in responding to challenges. Just one of the many facets of Srila Prabhupada that I would like to share.
Labels: srila prabhupada says
Maha-Harinama Through London at New Years Eve '07/Day '08
0 comments Posted by Aashish Sharma at 1/01/2008 08:35:00 pmNew Years Eve/Day Harinama (chanting & dancing) through London was such an amazing experience! London was completely packed out and there were actually a lot of people in the Harinama procession. His Grace Parasurama Prabhu led the Harinama for most of the time, and he was absolutely amazing! Words, unfortunately, do not do justice, hence that's why there is a video for you to see and 1 photo to expand and view (it was dark and so most of the photos were no good).
Here is a short video of the harinama, so that you can see how it was. It was taken on my new mobile phone, the LG Viewty, so the video quality is a lot better than my old mobile. This is the first new years eve/day Harinama through London that I have been on, and I will certainly be coming next year!