These are the videos from the Vyasa-Puja Ceremony of His Holiness Sivarama Swami in Hungary, NVD Temple. It is split into three videos. Basically, the first video, a massive procession of devotees do harinama to Maharajas house, then part 2 is on the procession back to the Temple with Maharaj and the final video is the actual ceremony itself in the temple room.

Part 1: Harinama to His Holiness Sivarama Swami's House

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Part 2: Escorting His Holiness Sivarama Swami back to the Temple

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Part 3: His Holiness Sivarama Swami's Ceremony in the Temple Room

Click Here for Full Screen Mode

The kirtans that went on in Hungary were truly amazing! For those of you who did not go or have not been to Hungary, maybe you can relish a few drops of the nectar by these three videos that I had made below:

His Grace Madhava Prabhu Bhajan

Click Here for Full Screen Mode

His Holiness Sivarama Swami Bhajan Part 1

Click Here for Full Screen Mode

His Holiness Sivarama Swami Bhajan Part 2

Click Here for Full Screen Mode

...and then the battery on my camera runs out!

My first major video was this piece. It is the Abhishek Ceremony of Lord Nrsimhadev. Unfortunately, the angle from which the video was taken means the vision of the ceremony is slightly obscured. however, His Grace Madhava Prabhu's kirtan is beautiful and trance-like as always!

Click Here for Full Screen Mode

During my stay at the New Vraja Dham, the whole of the temple building is ornamented with beautiful paintings, and a lot of them are created in 3D. You will see what I mean when you browse through the album below. You can clearly see that a lot of love and devotion went into these paintings and making the whole Temple what it is today. You just have to be there to really experience the spiritual atmosphere. Please browse below!

Art of Hungary NVD Temple

All the photos have now been uploaded! These photos are from the Hungary Retreat that I went on the 3rd May 2007 especially for His Holiness Sivarama Swami's Vyasa-Puja (Nrsimhadev Festival was also held during my stay). Please feel free to browse!

2007.05.03-08-Hungary at NVD

Well, I went to Hungary for His Holiness Shivarama Swami's Vyasa-puja and the Nrsimhadeva Festival, and I did manage take several amazing videos and plenty of photos! At this moment, I have uploaded 1 video, but will only post these amazing videos when they all have been uploaded. So, please check back soon!!! They are all amazing VCD Quality videos.

His Holiness Lokanatha Swami leads a wonderful harinama through the streets of London!!!!! You just had to be there, I very rarely see such a huge harinama procession. Video is over 1 hour.

Well, I could have taken the video via my camera instead of my Sony-Ericsson phone (its VCD Quality) but that would take a long time to upload. Any opinions out there???

OK, tomorrow I am off to Hungary for 5 days! Its mainly for His Holiness Shivarama Swami's Vyasa Puja Ceremony. Hopefully I will be able to get some video clips and photos, although I have heard that Maharaja does not like people taking photos of him during kirtan! Oh well, lets see what happens.....