Dogs Philosophy

I am watching Memories of Srila Prabhupada DVD Part 18, and there His Grace Pushkar Prabhu says that in one morning walk, sometimes Prabhupada would throw out a challenge out or his disciples would throw a challenge to Prabhupada and thus a debate would ensue. Srila Prabhupada was a Master of Parry, a master of the quick repost. So, in one morning walk, sometimes Prabhupadas would throw out a challenge out or his disciples would throw a challenge to Prabhupada and thus a debate would ensue.

One Devotee Says to Prabhupada, "Well, I think sex is spiritual, what do you say to that?"

Prabhupada quickly replied, "Ohhh, thats a Dogs philosophy. Are you a dog?"

Another Devotee would say, "I understand you are Alan Ginsburgs Guru?".

Prabhupada would then quickly reply, "I am nobodys guru, I am everyones servant".

So, Srila Prabhupada would be able to come very quickly like that in responding to challenges. Just one of the many facets of Srila Prabhupada that I would like to share.


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